
的 Cost of 减肥手术

average cost of 减肥手术 without insurance 范围从 $7,400 to $33,000. 的 price depends on the type of operation a patient chooses. 例如, average cost of a gastric bypass without insurance is around $19,000, whereas a sleeve gastrectomy costs $16,000. 一些常见的 types of bariatric surgeries are-

  • 胃旁路手术
  • 胃带
  • 袖胃切除术
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
  • Single anastomosis duodenal-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy

的se factors below might add up to the 减肥手术 成本:

  • 共存的健康状况
  • 手术的复杂性
  • 麻醉费用
  • 外科医生的费用
  • 使用的设备类型
  • 手术并发症
  • 地理位置
  • 住院时间

的re are also some after-surgery costs, including nutrition counseling 以及后续访问. You also need to consider medications plus the cost of your needing to leave work (i.e., a decrease in productivity). 但 when you take into account the money you’ve spent for this surgery compared to the cost of dealing with the complications of obesity, you will realize that you’ll get your money’s worth usually after 1.术后5年.

To sum it up, when you’ve attempted to lose weight several times, having a weight-loss surgery becomes worth it since its benefits far outweigh the chance of you developing complications.

How To Pay For Weight Loss Surgery

Typically, health insurance plans cover the cost of 减肥手术. Even if 减肥手术 is a covered benefit, patients need approval from the insurance providers. 的y have to fulfill specific requirements to get their cost covered under their health care plan.

的se requirements might be checking the patient’s overall health conditions with a screening test and others like:

  • 18岁或以上
  • Body mass index (BMI) over 40 or BMI over 35 with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or other risk factors
  • Proven weight-loss efforts in the past
  • Smoking cessation before surgery
  • 没有药物滥用
  • 心理测试
  • Insurance-mandated weight-loss program
  • Morbid obesity diagnosis for a period before surgery

Insurance might only cover some services a patient needs along with their 减肥手术. A patient may need psychological screenings, but it may or may not be covered by their insurance. 患者必须与 their provider and find the services they don’t cover. 因为他们 need to pay for such services out of pocket, they should estimate the 事先的成本.

病人 normally pay for their care out of pocket before surgery. 根据 on their insurance benefit, they must pay full advance payments before surgery.

What Happens If Insurance Can’t Cover Surgery Cost?

Suppose a patient didn’t get approval for 减肥手术 coverage. 的y might use their health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA) to pay for 减肥手术. A letter of medical necessity (LOMN) written by their physician is a must that describes their condition and explains the need for weight loss surgery.

If someone wants to pay in full for the surgery, they should determine whether their doctor offers a payment plan. 还有医疗贷款 and health care financings such as Prosper or CareCredit.

Also, 减肥手术, regardless of whether it’s a lap band, gastric bypass, or gastric sleeve, can qualify as a medical expense that you may be able to claim on your taxes. Aside from the surgery itself, you can also turn the supplements and medications that you buy throughout the year to avail of some tax deductions.

Stay energized even if you cannot find a suitable insurance provider to 支付你的费用. From our experience, most of our patients who had bariatric surgery and paid out of pocket have more significant weight loss and maintain 他们的体重. This might be caused by the fact that they made a significant personal investment in themselves which consists of not only their time and energy but also their own money. Consult our medical providers to find a non-surgical way to reduce weight.
